as a public good for all
- Riccardo Petrella
July 28 this year we “celebrate” the 10th anniversary of the UN
resolution which recognizes the human (universal, indivisible and
imprescriptible) right to drinking water and hygiene. Unfortunately,
the situation is such that this decade has passed as if the decision
approved by the highest political organization of the international
community had not taken place: 2.2 billion people do not know what
drinking water is and 4.2 have not access to toilet facilities; more
than 9 million children under the age of 5 die each year from
diseases caused, among other things, by the lack of clean water. Hand
washing is an impossible act for hundreds of millions of human
beings, with the well-known consequences of this pandemic period (1)!
suitable for human use has become increasingly scarce: many of
the most important rivers, lakes and aquifers in the world are dying,
dried up by water withdrawals much higher than their natural renewal
capacity (in quantity and quality), poisoned by pollution and
contamination, suffocated by waste…Structural droughts are
affecting an increasing number of regions of the world (including
even Amazonia!). The land is turning into a desert and the
devastation of the forests plays a decisive role in this regard.
Finally, several major cities in the world (from New York to Nairobi,
from Tokyo to Dhaka…) are seriously threatened by floods due to
water level rise. Jakarta, for example, is already in the process of
being abandoned (2).
this context, speaking of the right to water and sanitation is an
understatement. On the other hand, “experts”, political
leaders and entrepreneurs, do nothing but talk about the scarcity of
water in the world. With an obvious mystification, they blame the
scarcity on the growth of the world population and climate change
(which is only minimally correct). They forget, however, to mention
the decisive role of the dominant world economy, which drains the
planet’s resources until they are exhausted, and the role of our
social systems based on the thirst for power and private wealth,
favored by a warlike technological development, violent and predator
of life. In the face of a scarcity of water that is given as
inevitable, the dominant social groups indicate the way to
salvation in a path of resilience, of ability to resist and adapt to
the shocks caused by shortage. Under current conditions, however,
resilience is only possible for those with a great technological and
financial capacity (3). Can you guess which countries and which
social groups will be resilient in the coming decades?
to the United Nations, the right to water, to water for life,
translates concretely into the availability of 50 litres of drinking
water per day per person for domestic use and 1,800 m³ of water per
year per person for all the combined uses. However, the very concept
of the human right to water, which is equal for all and justifiable,
has been replaced in the last 30 years by the concept of fair access
to water at an affordable price. With the concept of “fair
access at an affordable price” there
is no obligation for the State any longer. We leave the field of law
to enter the field of water needs to be met on the basis of
the possibility of individual consumers to access them economically,
politically and socially. The “affordable” price of water is a
discretionary power in the hands of water service operators who set
the price of water in such a way as to guarantee profits (4).
Currently, whether they are private or “public”, the managers
make money with water for life!
profound cultural and political change has been possible thanks to
the combination of four structural transformations: the
commodification of life (everything has been reduced to goods: seeds,
water, public transport, knowledge, health, housing, plants, animals,
human genes…); the privatization of all goods and services (nothing
has escaped this process, including money, which has ceased to be a
symbol par excellence of the sovereignty of nations and states); the
liberalization and deregulation of all economic activities in the
name of free governance between interest holders (the famous
“stakeholders“) and, finally, the financialisation of the economy
which has subjected the main decisions on the allocation and use of
the resources available to short-term productivity and efficiency
financial logics. Human beings themselves have been reduced to “human
resources” in order to be exploited to the maximum of their
economic performance, despite and beyond human rights.
a result, there are no longer any common goods and real common
services, nor even real public goods. In 1980, the United States
Supreme Court legalized the patentability of living things for
private and commercial purposes. The patentability of algorithms
(Artificial Intelligence) became common practice in the 90s. The
private sector has thus obtained the recognition of over 50,000
patents on life. Idem in the field of AI. In 1992, at the Dublin
International Conference on Water in preparation for the first Rio de
Janeiro Earth Summit, the final resolution stated that water
should no longer be considered a social good, a common good, but a
private, economic good, subject to the rules of the market economy.
The thirst for water for human life has been replaced by the thirst
for water for economic activities for competitiveness and profit.
Even worse, during the Second Earth Summit in Johannesburg in 2002,
it was declared that nature should be given a monetary value by
calculating the costs and benefits of “environmental” services
provided by nature. The monetization of nature (nature pricing,
nature banking) and the patentability of living beings have killed
every form of economy of the common good, public goods, of social and
solidarity economy outside of micro-projects.
of life has slipped from the hands of public authorities.
Agricultural, health, information and technological development
policies, as well as “sustainable development” and water security
policies, no longer fall within the sphere of state sovereignty. They
are much more dependent on the interests of large global private
groups such as Suez, Vivendi, Big Pharma, GAFAM, but also of mining
oligopolies and, last but not least, of large financial groups
(banks, insurance companies). One of the most profitable growing
activities in the water sector is the insurance sector in the face of
meteorological changes (tourism activities, agriculture…)
and “climate accidents” (drought, floods…). The more
uncertainties redefine planet’s water, the more the market value of
the water itself rises. In the dominant “logic” of financial
speculation, it is clear that the more water scarcity is confirmed,
the more the economic value of water will increase at the expense of
its value for the global community of life on Earth.
to the effective universal right to water? Yes, if the collective
principles, policies and practices we have described are not
reversed. Society and the State must be freed from privatization and
financialisation. It is necessary to build the society of common
goods and world cooperative public goods. It is urgent to build the
global public political system based on shared and joint collective
responsibility for the protection, care and promotion of life and the
rights to life, and therefore to water for all. The
re-municipalization of water is fundamental for the construction of a
global public policy, provided of course that it is a real
municipalization whose management is financed through general
taxation and not by means of the revenues generated by the sale of
water services, albeit at affordable prices.
any case, the future of water and the right to life cannot be
realized through technological water (5), but only through a new
era of common engineering creativity and political and social culture
guided by the desire to live together in the respect for the Mother
See “Ocean & Climate change: New challenges”,
See Riccardo Petrella, Water and Resistance. The strategies of the
dominants in question,
and by the same author, Water security for all the inhabitants of the
In the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN
Agenda 2030, water is Goal 6, which reads: “6.1: By 2030, achieve
universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water
for all
https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/water-and-sanitation/. No
reference is made to the right to water.
The term “technological water” refers to water “produced” by
humans, such as desalinated water, water from waste water treatment,
water derived from “captured” icebergs.
(s) invited
Petrella, Co-fondateur Comité International pour le Contrat Mondial
de l’Eau, (Belgique/Italie)
Boff, Théologien (Brésil)
Infanti de la Mora, Evêque du Diocèse de Aysen, « Patagonia sin
represas » (Chili)
Mayor, Ancien Directeur Général de l’Unesco, Président Fondation
Culture de la Paix (Espagne)
Faccendini, Directeur Catedra de l’Agua, Universidad Nacional de
Rosario (Argentine)
Caraça, Co-fondateur de l’Agora des Habitants de la Terre,
Président Université de Coimbra (Portugal)
Danielle Mitterrand, (Jérémie Chomette, Marion Veber) (France)
Barros, Moine bénédictin (Brésil)
Wauquier, Médecin, président de H²O (France)
Savio, Co-fondateur de l’Agora des Habitants de la Terre, Fondateur
de Other News (Italie)
Cassen, Journaliste, ancien Directeur général du Monde diplomatique
Paquerot, Professeure titulaire, Université d’Ottawa (Canada)
Jasmin, Artiste pour la Paix (Canada-Québec)
Colombo, Maire de Canegrate (Italie)
Brodeur, Edupax, OSB (Canada-Québec)
P. Arruda, Dir. PACS Insituto Politicas Alternativas para o Cone Sur
Nunes, Urbaniste, Prof. Universidad del Estado de Bahia (Brésil)
Ghanem, Anthropologue et Rédactrice en chef de Badael (France/Liban)
Proulx, Connaissances et citoyens (Canada-Québec)
Giroul, Ecologiste (Canada-Québec)
et Clara Castioni, Libraires, (Italie)
Tirtiaux, Maître verrier, écrivain, sculpteur (Belgique)
Palatine, Musicienne, Harpiste (Allemagne)
Pizzuti, Auteur et Acteur de théâtre (Belgique/Italie)
Romanelli, Spécialiste en coopération internationale pour le
développement durable (Italie)
Grachev, Diplomate (Russie)
Salvio, « Comitato regionale campano acqua bene comune » (Italie)
Adriaens, Ecologiste, « objecteur de croissance » (Belgique)
Naaman, Ancien ministre (Liban)
Rizzuti, ancien syndicaliste Université/recherche, Forum
italo-tunisien (Italie)
Dangoisse, Dir. Maison du Développement Durable, UCL (Belgique)
Galand (B), Impliqué dans plusieurs associations, en particulier
l’Association Belgo-Palestinienne et le Centre d’Action Laïque,
ancien sénateur (Belgique)
del Bene Comune (Paola Libanti, Silvano Nicoletto) (Italie)
Louvin, Professeur de droit comparé, Université de Trieste (Italie)
Musacchio, Ancien eurodéputé, Ass. Altramente (Italie)
Garot, Journaliste (Belgique)
Bonelli, Président des Verts (Italie)
Sentinelli, Présidente de “Altramente”, ancienne ministre à la
coopération et au développement (Italie)
Oliva, Président Coordination Eau Ile de France (France)
Spinedi, Professeur Enseignement secondaire (Suisse)
Fernandes, Educatrice à la retraite (Chili)
Sauvé, Professeur titulaire Université du Québec à Montréal-UQAM
Comina, Journaliste, écrivain (Italie)
Duchrow, Professeur, Université de Heidelberg (Allemagne)
Darmstaedter, Présidente du Festival International de la Paix de
Berlin (Allemagne)
Boisselière, Espace citoyen d’innovation sociale (Philippe Veniel,
Melissa Gringeau) (France)
Le Guet, « Bassines Non Merci » (France)
Legros, Directeur Belgaqua (Belgique)
De Negri, Médecin, représentant du Brésil au Comité de l’ONU
sur les droits humains (Brésil)
Mitev, Journaliste Barricada (Bulgarie)
Bonan, Echevin aux Biens Communs, Commune de Feltre (Italie)
Abou Aichi, Ancien ministre de la culture (Palestine)
Chatila, Professeur en philosophie (France/Syrie)
Wardam, Conseiller ministériel de l’environnement (Jordanie)
Agostinelli, Physicien/ISPRA, Fondateur de ”Energia Felice”
Viale, Saggista, economista e ambientalista (Italie)
du Bien Commun (Corinne Ducrey, Cristina Bertelli, Gilles Yovan)
Montalto, Avocat, ex-président de la société publique hydrique de
Naples ABC (Italie)
Delvaux, Président de Kréativa, Education au développement durable
Schlitz, Présidente Présence et Action Culturelles, Angleur
Saiz, Entrepreneur (France)
Al-Abidine Fouad, Poète (Égypte)
Kamel, Écrivain (Egypte)
Azzawi, Ancien ambassadeur, écrivain (Irak)
Malvezzi, Musicien, écrivain (Brésil)
Ayala, Diplomate (Chili)
Ba, Directeur du Centre Humanitaire des Métiers de la Pharmacie
Emmanuel, Resp. Relations Internationales de AMT/WAFA (Cameroun)
Barbera, Président CIPSI (Italie)
Mattei, Professeur de droit international à l’Université de la
Californie à San Francisco (USA) et de droit civil à l’Université
de Turin (Italie)
Cecchi, Comitato Acqua Bene Comune Verona (Italie)
Cabanes, Juriste en droit international, Co-fondatrice de « Notre
affaire à tous » (France)
Pecoraro Scanio, Président de l’Università Verde, Ancien ministre
de l’environnement (Italie)
France Renard, Professeur d’économie, Université de
Clermont-Ferrand (France)
Kane Ki-Zerbo (Burkina Faso)
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